1492: A Maps and Columbus Thematic Unit Grades 1-3
Sailboat Jell-O |
(The best part about this thematic unit.... is the Jell-O!!!!! All you need is blue Jell-O, a plastic clear cup, coffee filters, toothpicks and mandarin oranges... yummy! )
Are you thinking about what units you'll be teaching in the fall? If you've ever taught maps and Columbus, you probably know that you can incorporate a TON of skills into this unit. I really had fun writing this one. This unit includes: Lesson Plans with Mentor Texts, Vocabulary Cards, Craftivities, Interactive Notebook Activities, Problem Solving, Science Experiments, Poetry, Expository Writing and Riddles. I'm so excited to share this unit with you! Under the umbrella of maps and Columbus, I also included: Landforms, Magnets, Force and Motion, Cardinal Directions, Parts of a Ship, Riddles, Expository Writing and Capacity.
Maps and Columbus Cover Page |
I've written 16 days of lesson plans with mentor texts, materials, directions and examples.
Lesson Plans with Mentor Texts
I've also included vocabulary cards and anchor charts. The vocabulary cards include:
The Continents The 3 Ships Columbus Characters Landforms
This is an excellent way to give your students visuals... and they are colorful and cute!
Vocabulary Cards
Anchor Chart: Living on Landforms |
You know I LOVE to incorporate my craftivities, and I included a lot of room for creativity here.
I Spy a Spy Glass: the students will use a paper towel roll and a plastic cup and cut out the bottom of the cup to stick on the end of the paper towel roll. Then, decorate it with paper and jewels.
I Spy a Spy Glass |
Did You Ever See a Magnet: the students will color their magnet and picture templates and sort them according to if they attract to the magnet or not.
Did You Ever See a Magnet? |
Living on Landforms: the students can cut out the landforms free hand using colored construction paper and layer them. After glueing them on a background, then they can glitter and glue on the labels.
Living on Landforms |
Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue: the students color and cut out the three ships and Columbus and glue them onto their construction paper and then write an autobiography about Columbus.
Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue |
A thematic unit isn't complete with out experiments! I've included experiments for magnets, force and motion, and capacity. I bet your wondering... why is there an experiment about magnets in this unit? Well, I incorporate the compass into this unit and discuss how it always points north because the poles of the earth are magnetic too! This is a perfect segue into learning about magnetic force! With these experiments, I've included a lesson plan with materials and directions and a student interactive notebook page for their science notebook.
Another part of this unit that is a great addition are more interactive notebook activities! I've included poetry, math and social studies. For math, the students can complete a problem solving activity using ships. For poetry, the students can cut out their poem and glue it into their poetry notebook and illustrate a picture with a caption. For social studies, I've included a compass rose to label, and to drawing a map of the students' room. |
Interactive Notebooks
Last I'd like to share the writing portion of this unit. I think that writing is so important and can be incorporated into everything! I've written templates for two expository pieces: Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue and Parts of a Ship.
Writing Templates: Brainstorming and Final Draft |
I hope you got some great ideas on how to incorporate maps and Columbus in your classroom for the fall! If you are interested in my thematic unit, click below.
1492: A Maps and Columbus Thematic Unit Grades 1-3
Love, Kara
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