Back to School Organization!
Thematic Unit Binders |
School is right around the corner... and can you believe that summer is almost gone? Have you been thinking of how your going to organize and set up your classroom? I have and I cannot WAIT to get started! One part of organization that I'd like to share with you today is about how I set up my Thematic Unit Binders. I have a shelf in my classroom that I store my binders, typically behind my teacher desk for easy accessibility. I have them labeled on the binding what each unit is. I have about 30 of these binders. I know it sounds like a lot, but they have really saved me time and energy trying to track down assignments, craftivities, or photos of my classroom from the year before. Here are my binders that I had set up last year:
Thematic Unit Binders
Inside each binder, I try and put photos of my classroom and how it looked during that unit. For example, if my theme was Owls, then I would put a photo of my owl theme center so I can remember how I organized it. I have theme centers for EVERY theme! But that's a whole other blog for another day!
Owl Theme Center
For the tabs inside the binder, I organize them by subject: Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies, Craftivities, Vocabulary Cards, and Lesson Plans. This is a quick and easy way for me to find something during a team meeting, or if a teacher comes and asks me about an activity or copy from last week, I can easily find it.
Binder Tabs
I might also put some books that I read to the students inside the binder, if I used a specific book for a specific lesson, to remind me for the next year.
Inside the binder...
I decided to create some really cute Thematic Cover Pages for each unit. And, I took pictures of all of them to show off! They are really cute and I can't wait to use them this year.
Title Page of Packet
August and September Units:
Back to School/All About Me
October Units:
November Units:
Native Americans/Thanksgiving
December and January Units:
Christmas and Celebrations/Winter and Snowman
Arctic and Eskimos/Antarctica and Penguins
February Units:
Valentine's Day/Heart and Body
Groundhog Day/Presidents and America
Objects in the Sky/Texas
March and April Units:
St. Patrick's Day/Easter |
Earth Day/Spring
Plants/Fairy Tales |
May Units:
Mother's Day/ Oceans and Sea Life |
Rocks and Volcanoes/Summer and End of Year!
And that's the whole year of thematic units! I hope you got some organizational tips and tricks for the new school year! Have a wonderful and smooth first day of school! If you are interested in checking out my thematic unit cover pages, click here:
Thematic Unit Cover Pages for Every Month and Holiday
Love, Kara
Graphics Courtesy Of:
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