Saturday, October 16, 2021

 Halloween Math Fun

If you love having your kiddos do Halloween Math activities and want some fresh new ideas... check out this post! 

I always try and have fun Halloween Math activities the week before Halloween and the kids LOVE it! 

Here are some fun activities that you can do: 

Witch's Brew

You can get the Harvest Candy Corn with three types of candy for your students to sort. You can give them a black cauldron or a pumpkin to hold their candy in and a sorting mat. They can work in partners, or sort by themselves. 

After your students sort their candy into three different piles, then they can write addition sentences to 10 or whatever sum you want them to do. They can write their number sentences on their template and then color it. I have also have a math journal that they glue in their interactive notebooks. This is so fun! If you're interested in checking out my Witch's Brew, click here

Addition and Subtraction Math Mats

These math mats are perfect for having your students write addition and subtraction facts! You can use plastic spiders, Halloween erasers, or candy! 

Each mat has story problem cards that you can read to your students: 

You can have your students do these mats at your teacher table, or in partners. If you're interested in checking out my math mats, click here. This resource has math mats for every month and holiday! You can change out your erasers of counters to give it more flair!

Halloween Sticker Stories

Why not give your students Halloween stickers and let them create and write their own story problems? How fun! I usually do this at my teacher table to monitor how many stickers they can use. The students love creating their sticker word problems. This is great for teaching how to write story problems and make it fun. Here are some more examples: 

You also have 10 and 20 frames for your students to use to add and subtract:

If you're interested in checking out my Halloween Sticker Stories, click here 


If you've never played BUMP, then you need to have your kids play this! This will be their favorite game! I have these games for every month and holiday! All you need are double dice and each player will need 10 snap cubes of one color. I like to change out the snap cube colors for each month, so for Halloween, I use orange and black. 

Here are the directions: 

In and Out 

For this fun game, you can differentiate easily with how many counters you want your students to use. I start with 10 and go up from there as they get more comfortable. You will need two players for this game and Halloween erasers or counters. 

Here are the directions: 

If you LOVE all of these math activities, then you can check out the BUNDLE! Click here

I hope you have fun with these Math Activities!

Happy Halloween! 



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